En novembre 2013 se tiendra à Cambridge une conférence réunissant jeunes chercheurs, thésards et étudiants partageant des racines polonaises. C’est une occasion pour de jeunes scientifiques vivant à l’étranger de se rencontrer, construire un réseau et échanger sur la contribution de la Pologne au développement des sciences et technologies. En cas de déplacement à Oxford ou Cambridge, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter: c’est avec un grand plaisir que nous vous mettrons en relation avec nos associations « sœurs » au Royaume-Uni.

Polish Perspectives is a popular science conference directed at young researchers, PhD students and undergraduates of Polish origin, conducting their research at universities and institutes outside of Poland.

The SPP conference creates an opportunity for young Polish scientists who live and study abroad to meet, build a network of contacts and discuss Poland’s participation in the development of science and technology. One of the main aims is to popularise science, whilst also enhancing the cooperation between its British, Polish and European branches.

Organised by two student societies: Cambridge University Polish Society and Oxford University Polish Society with the support of LSE SU Polish Business Society, the conference is divided into three main topic sessions including life sciences, physical and mathematical sciences and economics.

POSTER SPP2013 official

The first edition of the conference was held in Oxford in October 2012. It proved to be a huge success, with almost 150 participants and world-class speakers including Prof. Kwiatkowska (Oxford), Prof. Zernicka-Getz (Cambridge), Prof. Horodecki (Gdansk) and Prof. Glowacki (Cambridge) as well as many great presentations from postgraduate students. It received a lot of attention from the media and managed to acquire an impressive number of patrons and partners including: The Embassy of Poland in London, The Boston Consulting Group, The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, The Foundation for Polish Science and EuroScience.

The second edition of the conference is scheduled to take place on 15-16th of November 2013 in Cambridge and will include mathematical and physical science, life sciences and economic sessions, panel discussions, a poster session and various workshops.

The SPP team believes that young Polish students and researchers have a huge potential as individuals and as members of a fast-growing scientific community, which can be developed by providing them with a platform, where they can present their work, learn and draw inspiration from each other.

The conference website:  www.polishperspectives.org


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