Qui a l’armée la plus puissante ? Le site américain Global Firepower a établi un classement de 106 armées dans le monde, selon un indice qui croise une cinquantaine de critères dont le budget de la Défense, les effectifs et les équipements, l’accès aux ressources naturelles, etc. Seul critère qui n’est pas pris en compte : la capacité nucléaire des pays. Qui sont les dix premiers du classement ? Quelles sont les dix armées les plus puissantes du monde ?


Source: www.globalfirepower.com

Global Firepower (GFP) provides a unique analytical display of data concerning today’s world military powers. Over 100 world military powers are considered in the ranking which allows for a broad spectrum of comparisons to be achieved concerning relative military strengths.

The user should note that nuclear capability is not taken into account as that would defeat the purpose of such comparisons. Instead, the GFP ranking is based strictly on each nation’s potential conventional war-making capabilities across land, sea and air. The final ranking also incorporates values related to resources, finances and geography. Some statistics have been estimated where official numbers are not publicly available.

The GFP ranking is based on a formula utilizing over fifty different factors, compiled and measured against each nation. Bonuses (ex: low oil consumption) and penalties (ex: high oil consumption) are applied to further refine the list. The finalized GFP value is recognized as the « Power Index » (PwrIndx) which supplies a nation its respective positioning in the rankings.

Les amateurs retrouveront la liste complète des pays ici et un outil de comparaison entre différents pays en cliquant ici.


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