[International Physicists’ Tournament (IPT) Grand Final : France x Poland] 🥊 🥊 🏆
If you like physics, don’t miss the Grand Final of the physics world cup, tomorrow at 8:30 at Ecole polytechnique (and live on https://lnkd.in/eqHsS-gS) !
Concept of the IPT: the Physics Fights 👨‍🔬 👩‍🔬
A list of 17 problems is created every year for the IPT.
Competitors have until the tournament in April to prepare a presentation of these problems. They can favour a theoretical or experimental approach, but keeping in mind that a good physicist handles both aspects !
Handy glider
It is possible to make small gliders with paper and to make them fly for a very long time by putting your hand below the glider during flight. Explain the physics behind this phenomenon and describe the optimal set of parameters for the best control of the glider.
At a certain temperature, popcorn bursts open, jumps and emits a ‘pop’ sound. Devise a method to estimate the jump height of the corn kernels based on measurements of the sound of the pop and determine the limits of the precision in your chosen method. Typical parameters for consideration may include the type of corn, initial positioning of corn, heating mechanism, heat, heating rate, kernel coupling, etc.
LEGO Tower
A LEGO mold, water and gelatin can be used to produce jelly, or ‘gummy’ LEGO bricks. It is possible to build towers using these gummy LEGO bricks in the same way as can be achieved with their plastic counterparts. What is the maximum height of gummy LEGO tower that can be built and how does this depend on the concentration of gelatin in the bricks?
Mor about the International Physicists’ Tournament (IPT) : https://iptnet.info


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